Thursday, March 23, 2006

Cultural Night @ Hall 7

Hey! here's some pics from hall 7 cultural night yesterday. It was our last performance for this semester but we'll soon be in action again after exams. It was fun to perform in front of so many familiar faces. Started the set with our rock instrumental and the crash cymbal stand came loose after a few mins into the set, I must have smashed it too hard :P Jeffrey thought I intentionally angled the cymbal towards me hah but I cldnt even hit it after it fell off.

There was this surge of energy the moment we walked up the stage, adrenalin rush probably. Anw we injected that energy level into our performance on stage and did our best to entertain the audience. Jeffrey stood on the bass amp for the intro of 'Shining on Me'. In fact, he was on there for so long I thought he din wanna come down haha

Yep, still there.

Lawrence had something up his sleeves last night man. Before we started, I walked to the stage and saw the chair near him and away from the drumset. I asked "Can I use the chair?", half expecting him to agree. But he said "I need it." So ok, I took another chair wondering if he's gonna sit on it during the set. Halfway into 'Shining on Me', our dear guitarist took the chair out and surprised the audience including myself as he stood on it and extended his arms out in a 'flying' position during the quiet bridge. Too bad i dun have any pics of that.

Notice the wooden little chair at the back ;)


Friday, March 17, 2006

Cultural night - Hall 7

Yes, its official! I'm lagging by a week, Haha. Here are a couple of pics to share.

Great effort by Chermaine + Kelvin!!! Thanks guys...
Wow! Heerens was a great experience. Humbling at the same time... Many thanks to those who came down to give their support! Ya don't know how much it means!!! =)

~Check out Jeff's Hair - Style redefined... Hah! ~

Hall 7 cultural night will probably be our last event this academic year... Do come down if you're free. (Smash Inc will be the closing act!)

Date/Time : 22nd March Wed - 8pm
Location : NTU Hall 7 - Common Hall

Its been a mad rush of activities hasn't it dudes? Enjoyed all of them though. ( Got a few musical projects for next sem lined up already, haha...)

Let's stay humble and continue to improve! We owe it to the people who have been giving us their support!!!

God Bless, Liam

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


We're gonna take a break from jamming after the performance for Hall 7 Cultural Night next week. Yes .. Exams are coming and we all have to put aside our instruments and pick up our books, at least for the next few weeks till May. Not to worry, we'll still continue to update our beloved blog and we'll try to fill up the 'profiles' page soon so as not to remain anonymous.

Friday, March 10, 2006


I think this blog is great!!! Color, layout, pictures... perfect. Thanks to our designer Kelvin and Chermane (hope i spell it correctly).

Smash INC. Well, well, what can i say. Definitely the best band that i've ever joined. Creative forces welling up inside us, waiting to explode into songs... If only we have more time to jam.... schoolwork is a pain. If only i had flung my O levels. I would have plunge into full time musician. Haha... I'm lookig forward to greater moments and gigs ahead. SMASH ON!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Live It Up CD Design

Hey guys, here's the CD cover designed by Leroy. Some nice Adobe photoshop effects there by our vocalist. I pronounce it as Er-doh-bee but he thinks it is Ah-doh-bay. But anyhow, I think it's quite a cool design for our CD cover, though I dunno why there are 4 cherries hanging off a vine. I suspect it has something to do with one of our early proposed band names "black horse and a cherry tree". OR they could be something else? hmm .. will find out from him soon. Lemme know what you guys think bout it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Our Blog is Born!

Hey guys, we finally got a blog up and going woo hoo! Many thanks to Chermaine who set up this blog for us; rest of us being blog illiterate wld be hopeless at setting up one.

For the benefit of those who don't know, we wrote an original composition for Red Cross Youth Donor Club as a theme song and we played at the official launch at Heeren's on Sat 4th Mar 06. It was an excellent experience playing a gig outside Heeren's and we played our hearts out in all 3 sets no doubt. Even though the sound system was a little let down and the sun was scorching so badly I perspired throughout every set, I still enjoyed playing our originals and introducing our new songs to the public. Many thanks to our family, loved ones, friends, moxxie, YDC volunteers and also our new found groupies(?;P) who were there to support us and cheer us on. Thanks also to the emcee who was so generous with his kind introductions.

I'm eagerly awaiting to listen to our recordings we did @ SCI for 'shining on me' and 'live it up' and also to see the video we filmed for 'live it up'. Kudos to Huimin, Tian Yun, Xiao Ting, Alethea, Jian Ming and Benny for recording and mixing our songs. Will try to post the songs n maybe some clips when i get them.
